Certification, Re-Certification and Upgrading Requirements ()

U. S. Soccer has redefined various roles and the Certification, Recertification and as appropriate - Upgrade requirements for these roles.  In some roles / grades the State Referee Committee can implement requirements in excess of those set as minimums by U.S. Soccer.  Additionally, in the area of Training, the State Referee Committee can always have higher requirements than those from U.S. Soccer.

Below are the current Referee minimum requirements compared to those issued by U.S. Soccer.

Please note: Events not sponsored or formally sanctioned by the State Referee Committee will not be considered as contributing to the Certification, Recertification and Upgrade process.  No exceptions to this policy will be considered.

Please note:

  • Badge Year - US Soccer defines a Badge Year as running from Jan 01 thru Dec 31; that is – the year on the Badge. A registered Referee can use that Badge to be assigned USSF games during that calendar year.
  • Registration / Recertification “Year” - The registration period for a given Badge Year is offset by 6 months ahead, running between Jul 01 and Jun 30.
  • Example (1): Training taken between Jul 01, and Jun 30, is *valid only for Badge Year Registration.
  • Example (2): Training taken between Jul 01, and Jun 30, is *valid only for Badge Year Registration.

1. Referee, Regional and National Emeritus ()

Certification Requirements
USSF Description Officiates youth and adult competitions in small-sided 7v7, 9v9, and/or 11v11 outdoor fields. Works primarily with new or experienced Referees. Facilitates games for youth and adult players. Collaborates with coaches with diverse backgrounds (new and experienced coaches, volunteers, etc.) to ensure player safety and responsible spectator behavior.
Certification Requirements (New Referee)
Age Same as USSF 13 Years of Age and Older
Enrollment Same as USSF Registration via WA system Registration
Previous Game Experience Same as USSF NA
Previous Certification Same as USSF NA
Emeritus Same as USSF Age 45 and Older, plus three (3) Years in Grade
Training Same as USSF via WA system On-Line and In-Person Field Experience
Safety and Compliance Same as USSF via WA system
  • SafeSport Trained
  • Safe and Healthy Playing Environment
  • Background Check (18 yrs. and older)
Laws of the Game Updates Same as USSF via WA system On-line - Referee Quiz
Fitness Test Same as USSF None Required
Determined by Competition
Practical Evaluation Same as USSF NA
Referee & Emeritus Re-Certification Requirements (Returning Referee)
Enrollment Same as USSF Registration via WA system Registration
Training Same as USSF via WA system On-Line
No In-Person Session Needed
Safety and Compliance Same as USSF via WA system
  • SafeSport Trained
  • Safe and Healthy Playing Environment
  • Background Check (18 yrs. and older)
Laws of the Game Updates Same as USSF via WA system On-line - Referee or Emeritus Quiz
Fitness Test Same as USSF Not Required
Determined by Competition
Practical Evaluation Same as USSF NA
  • The purpose of the emeritus license is to retire from the highest level the referee has attained. It may not be used to circumvent the fitness testing and registration procedures of U.S. Soccer
  • The emeritus license allows a National or Regional official the option of retiring from those levels of officiating while retaining that license and continuing to referee at a lower level
  • An emeritus referee may reinstate as an active official at the license level the official retired from once all the game criteria for the license has been met for recertification including the following.
    • Passing the fitness test for the license
    • Completed the number of evaluations for the license
Please Note - SRC selection for Assignments to State Cup games / Tournaments / Out-of-State events / etc., Referees will often be based on a review of the referee's "Portfolio". Click on the following link to find what the SRC considers as part of a referee's Portfolio: SRC Portfolio Guidelines

2. Referee Advanced ()

Referee Advanced Certification Requirements (Upgrade)
Age 18 years old or older Not recognized by USSF
Previous Game Experience Classroom priority will be given to those with verifiable adult game experience Not recognized by USSF
Previous Grade Experience Referee Not recognized by USSF
Training Complete the Online Adult Lessons and a Classroom/Zoom (~5 hour) Adult Upgrade Course Not recognized by USSF
Grassroots Advanced Re-Certification Requirements (Returning Referee)
Enrollment Same as USSF Registration via WA system Registration
Training On-Line via WA system On-Line
No In-Person Session Needed
Safety and Compliance SafeSport Trained, Safe Soccer Training and Background Check via WA system
  • SafeSport Trained
  • Safe and Healthy Playing Environment
  • Background Check (18 yrs. and older)
Laws of the Game Updates On-line - Referee Quiz via WA system On-line - Referee Quiz
Fitness Test Same as USSF None Required
Determined by Competition
Practical Evaluation NA NA
Please Note - SRC selection for Assignments to State Cup games / Tournaments / Out-of-State events / etc., Referees will often be based on a review of the referee's "Portfolio". Click on the following link to find what the SRC considers as part of a referee's Portfolio: SRC Portfolio Guidelines

3. Referee Regional ()

USSF Description Actively lead the referee team in a pre-game conference and in conducting pre-game inspections (the field of play, the game ball, and the player’s equipment). Actively participate with the referee team in checking the rosters and checking-in players and coaches. Connect with coaches & players via check-in, pre-game conference, and/or coin toss. Actively participate with the referee team in a group and individual warmup prior to the game.
Regional Certification Requirements (Upgrade)
Personal Conduct Regional referee candidates must be in good standing with the SRC concerning USSF and SRC expected conduct and ethics on the field, off the field, in public and in all forms of communication. None
Age Same as USSF 18 years of Age or Older
Enrollment Same as USSF Registration via WA system Registration
Previous Game Experience Same as USSF (“full time” games (US Soccer Affiliated)) 25 Games as a Referee and 15 as an Assistant Referee at the Adult Amateur Level
Previous Certification Same as USSF including a Minimum of One (1) Year as a WA Advanced Referee Must Have Held Referee License During the Previous 3 Registration Years
Training Same as USSF but via WA System (includes On-Line) Regional Referee Course and In-Person Field Experience
Safety and Compliance Same as USSF but via WA system
  • SafeSport Trained
  • Safe and Healthy Playing Environment
  • Background Check (18 yrs. and older)
Laws of the Game Update and Test Same as USSF via WA system On-Line - National Test
Fitness Test Same as USSF recorded in the WA System Sprint/Interval Test (FIFA Women's Referee Test) Male - Category 1 / Female - Category 3
Practical Evaluation Same as USSF recorded in the WA System.
Contact WA’s SDA for what qualifies as “at Highest Youth (U18 or U19)”
Minimum of Three (3) Passing Evaluations as a Referee
Two (2) at Adult Amateur Level &
One (1) at Highest Youth (U18 or U19) - 2 x 45 minute half
Evaluations Must Be Done by Three (3) Different Referee Coaches for All Three Games
SDA Notes *** Note *** A passing fitness result in the last 12 months is required prior to requesting Upgrade Assessment

*** Note *** “Pass” means both at the field and following SDA review.
  1. Adult game must be US Soccer affiliated, WAISOA assigned Men's, or assigned by USSF, PRO or FIFA
  2. Youth games must be either State Youth Cup Semi, Final, Regional League or assigned by USSF, PRO or FIFA. Note: Locally assigned youth games do NOT qualify
  3. Assessments are valid for 12 months
  4. All referee assessments must be requested and approved (assigned) in advance via www.WAReferees.org website
  5. Exceptions, by request, might be made for referee assessments done at USSF sponsored and similar events
  6. Assessor must enter Referee Assessment in USSF's Assessment System and WAReferees. Assessments are then reviewed by the SDA for approval.
  7. Any game not considered as meeting the sufficient test / rateable game criteria will be recorded in WAReferees as Developmental and will not count toward assessment requirements. Referees will then have to request and pay for another assessment.
Note: Said differently, the requesting referee bears the financial burden if requesting assessments on games that are then determined by the assessor to be not a sufficient test / rateable.
Regional Re-Certification Requirements (Returning Referee)
Personal Conduct Regional referee candidates must be in good standing with the SRC concerning USSF and SRC expected conduct and ethics on the field, off the field, in public and in all forms of communication None
Enrollment Same as USSF Registration via WA system Registration
Must have held at least one Regional Referee License in the previous three (3) registration years (i.e. , , or ) OR Must have held a National Referee or National Assistant Referee License during their referee career
Training Same as USSF but via WA System (includes On-Line) Online and In-Person Field Session
Safety and Compliance Same as USSF but via WA System
  • SafeSport Trained
  • Safe and Healthy Playing Environment
  • Background Check (18 yrs. and older)
Laws of the Game Update and Test Same as USSF via WA system On-line – National Test
Fitness Test Same as USSF via WA system Sprint/Interval Test (FIFA Women's Referee Test) Male - Category 1 / Female - Category 3
Practical Evaluation Same as USSF recorded in the WA system.
Contact WA’s SDA for what qualifies as “at Highest Youth (U18 or U19)”
Two (2) Passing Referee Evaluations. One at the Adult Amateur Level, One (1) at Highest Youth (U18 or U19) (2 x 45 minute half) Evaluations Must Be Done by Two Different Referee Coaches
  • For Regional Referee certification, candidates may use three (3) adult games to satisfy the practical evaluation requirement for certification
  • For Regional Referee recertification, candidates may use two (2) adult games to satisfy the practical evaluation requirement for certification
  • State Referee Committees cannot mandate that candidates use all adult games to satisfy the practical evaluation requirement
  • For the - Registration Year (July 1, – June 30, )
    • Regional Referee fitness tests are required for all certifying and recertifying Regional Referee candidates
SDA Notes *** Note *** A passing fitness result in the last 12 months is required prior to requesting Upgrade Assessment

*** Note *** “Pass” means both at the field and following SDA review.
  1. Adult game must be US Soccer affiliated, WAISOA assigned Men's, or assigned by USSF, PRO or FIFA
  2. Youth games must be either State Youth Cup Semi, Final, Regional League or assigned by USSF, PRO or FIFA. Note: Locally assigned youth games do NOT qualify
  3. Assessments are valid for 12 months
  4. All referee assessments must be requested and approved (assigned) in advance via www.WAReferees.org website
  5. Exceptions, by request, might be made for referee assessments done at USSF sponsored and similar events
  6. Assessor must enter Referee Assessment in USSF's Assessment System and WAReferees. Assessments are then reviewed by the SDA for approval.
  7. Any game not considered as meeting the sufficient test / rateable game criteria will be recorded in WAReferees as Developmental and will not count toward assessment requirements. Referees will then have to request and pay for another assessment.
Note: Said differently, the requesting referee bears the financial burden if requesting assessments on games that are then determined by the assessor to be not a sufficient test / rateable.
Please Note - SRC selection for Assignments to State Cup games / Tournaments / Out-of-State events / etc., Referees will often be based on a review of the referee's "Portfolio". Click on the following link to find what the SRC considers as part of a referee's Portfolio: SRC Portfolio Guidelines

4. Referee - Late and Lapsed Recertification Criteria ()

Categories Any referee who has not registered for the next calendar year with the U.S. Soccer Federation through the Washington State Referee Committee (WASRC) before January 01 is considered:
Late On January 1, are registered for the previous calendar year but have NOT recertified for the current calendar year, that is – are recertifying AFTER December 31.
  1. Late referees cannot be assigned to or work any games until they have recertified based on the WASRC published current year recertification requirements.
  2. Late referees have from January 01 until about June 20 to complete the recertification requirements. Once recertified, they may referee immediately
  3. The WASRC may add "late" administrative fees in addition to the normal WASRC and USSF recertification fees.
  4. Late recertifying referees will be registered for the current calendar year only.
  5. Late referees NOT recertified before July 01 move to the category - Lapsed
Lapsed On July 1, are NOT registered for the previous calendar year.
  1. Lapsed referees cannot be assigned to or work any games until they have recertified based on the WASRC published current year recertification requirements.
  2. Lapsed referees may start / finish the recertification process as early as July 01.
Process -
  1. Referee, Referee Advanced and Emeritus Referees will be registered at the grade previously held after successfully fulfilling all of the grade specific WASRC published recertification requirements published for that year.
  2. Regional and Regional Advanced Referees can only be initially registered as Referee Advanced or Emeritus [if qualified] after successfully fulfilling all of the grade specific WASRC published recertification requirements published for that year. Once registered at Referee Advanced or Emeritus they may then regain Regional or Regional Advanced after successfully fulfilling all the appropriate WASRC published recertification requirements published for that year for Regional or Regional Advanced. There will be additional fees for this process.
Process -
Lapsed 1-2 Years
  1. Referees previously registered as Referee, Referee Advanced and Emeritus Referees will be registered at the grade previously held after successfully fulfilling all of the grade specific WASRC published recertification requirements published for that year. However, recertification material may not be available until mid to late October.
  2. Referees previously registered as Regional or Regional Advanced Referees can only be initially registered as Referee Advanced or Emeritus [if qualified] after successfully fulfilling all of the grade specific WASRC published recertification requirements published for that year. However, recertification material may not be available until mid to late October.

    Once registered at Referee Advanced or Emeritus they may then regain Regional or Regional Advanced after successfully fulfilling all the appropriate WASRC published recertification requirements published for that year for Regional or Regional Advanced. There will be additional fees for this process.
Process -
Lapsed 3+ Years
  1. Referees previously registered as any Grade - Referees will initially be registered as Referee after meeting all the WASRC published requirements for Lapsed Referee 3+ years.
  2. Referees previously registered as Referee Advanced, Regional, Regional Advanced or Emeritus Referees can only be initially registered as Referee after successfully meeting all the WASRC published requirements for Lapsed Referee 3+ years. Once registered as Referee they may then regain Referee Advanced, Regional, Regional Advanced or Emeritus after successfully fulfilling all the appropriate WASRC published recertification requirements published for that year for the previously held Grade. There may be additional fees for this process.

SRC Portfolio Guidelines

SRC selection for Assignments to State Cup games / Tournaments / Out-of-State events / etc., Referees will often be based on a review of the referee's "Portfolio". Click on the following link to find what the SRC considers as part of a referee's Portfolio: SRC Portfolio Guidelines