Soccer Referee Abuse and Assault:
- Your Conduct If an Assault Occurs
- Never strike back, if such action can
possibly be avoided. Defend yourself as passively as possible.
When referees are struck, the majority of players and bystanders
are automatically sympathetic toward the referee, even if they
were previously hostile. If the referees choose to "slug it
out", they stand to lose the support and calming influence of
the players and bystanders. The referees' legal position may
also be prejudiced.
- Try to remain calm and avoid undue signs of stress.
Maintain a standard of behavior befitting a
professional referee. Remember that police officers are
assaulted frequently, yet they react in as controlled a manner
as the situation permits, drawing on their resources of
self-control to get to the top of the threatening situation.
- Send the player off. Advise the captain of
your decision, and be prepared to abandon the game if the player
is not removed completely from the scene.
- Get the details down on paper (when things
are under control). Note the player's number and obtain the name
from the team captain or coach if necessary.
- Obtain witnesses. Consult your assistant
referees, if any, or any unattached bystanders. Record names and
telephone numbers for future reference. Use other players as
witnesses only as a last resort. Do not be concerned about
holding up the game; common assault is a criminal offense and
must be treated seriously. Make notes to be sure that your
subsequent report is accurate. After the game, discuss the
incident with your witnesses; this is quite legal as no charges
have been laid at this stage.
- Seek medical attention if you are injured.
Go to the nearest hospital emergency room or trauma clinic. The
medical personnel will treat any injuries, and document them for
the record. Retain any medical records.
- Write a report. See the page on
Referee Abuse and Reporting.
- In the event that the assault is serious enough
for you to consider filing civil action with the local
authorities, you do have that right. Please inform the State
President and the Washington State Referee Committee of your
intent to do so.
Thanks to Illinois Soccer Referee Committee for their contributions to this page.