This content is provided courtesy of US Soccer and is meant to help viewers develop a better understanding Procedures for Referees and Assistand Referees NOTE: This page may take several seconds to load because of the links to the videos.
Procedures: Referee Signals - Proper signaling is important for officials at all levels of the game. The specific signals used by the referee are intended to communicate decisions and instructions so it's vital that these signals be performed clearly and accurately. U.S. Soccer recommends that referees of all levels follow these guidelines to provide consistency and clarity when delivering information and directions to other members of the officiating team, players, substitutes, team officials, and even spectators. | Procedures: Assistant Referee Signals - Proper signaling is important for officials at all levels of the game. The specific signals used by assistant referees are more informational or advisory in nature so it's vital that these signals be performed clearly and accurately. Watch the video, Assistant Referee Signals, to learn more about U.S. Soccer's recommendations and guidelines on proper referee signaling. |